Wastewater treatment engineering design
Provide customers with better environmental management solutions! According to various industries: printing and dyeing wastewater treatment industry, textile wastewater treatment industry, papermaking wastewater treatment industry, provide the most intimate operational guidance!
Standards and specifications for design basis
(1) The quantity of water supplied by the owner, the water quality, the site conditions of the plant, etc.
(2) National Standard of the People's Republic of China "Sewage Integrated Emission Standards" (GB8978-1996)
(3) Guangdong Province “Water Pollutant Emission Limits” (DB44/26—2001)
(4) "Quality Standards for Surface Water Environment" (GB 3838-1988)
(5) code for outdoor drainage design revised in 1997 (GB J 14-1987)
(6) code for design of building water supply and drainage (GB J 15-1988)
(7) technical specification for waterproofing of underground works (GB J 16-1987)
(8) code for structural design of water supply and sewerage works (GB J 69-1984)
(9) code for construction and acceptance of water supply and drainage structures (GB J 141-1990)
(10) sewage and sludge discharge standards for municipal sewage treatment plants (CJ 3025-93)
(11) "environmental engineering design manual"
(12) environmental engineering calculation manual.
(13) materials manuals for environmental protection equipment.
(14) water treatment engineer manual.
(15) water supply and drainage engineering structure manual.
Last:Wastewater treatment renovation project